Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm so excited, I'm trembling just a little bit...

A few minutes ago, on Facebook, Steve Kilbey (from Australia's 'The Church') told me he would sing one of my songs for $1000.  It's a crazy thought... I'm a father of 3, making 10 bucks an hour.  I can't possibly justify that kind of expense!  If I am going to do this, I've set one rule: I can't take any money away from my family.  SO- HERE'S MY PLAN:

 I am going to make this dream happen!  I'll wash car windows, mow lawns, sell lemonade and cookies, play Santa at your upcoming pool party... I WILL PLAY SANTA AT YOUR POOL PARTY!  I also make candles, love to cook and can drink a beer faster than you. 

I don't know how to coordinate this blog w/ PayPal, but when my wife wakes up I'm sure that she can help me out. 

Have any ideas?  I'm creative and fun and am craving some adventure! 



  1. Is it possible to set up one of those donation thermometers, so we can see how much cash you have raised so far?

  2. Is it worth $1000 for somebody to sing a song? What if we fed the homeless with the same money?

  3. When this project has fruited, all may eat for free. To make it happen- I'm mowing lawns and making candles, creating T-shirts and original art, hauling junk for old neighbors, canvassing my small city, giving people fair deals and helping as many out as I can. I really do appreciate your question and answer with a resounding "Yes!" Trying to work for it is the most exciting thing I've done in quite a while. The process itself is its own reward.

  4. Two weeks until pay day then we could help out. Dreams are what we are all about. With much love, the artist and the philosopher
